Propolis - The Other Healthy Gift From Bees

Best Summary about Propolis by R Lewis

Bees really are remarkable creatures. Apart from providing a vital role in much of our food supply through their help with pollination, they also provide us with wonderful natural, healthy bee products.

When you think of bees, most people immediately think of honey.

Honey has been making a come back in recent times for its naturally healthy qualities. Supported by a growing amount of research, this has been particularly led by the unique healing properties, supported by proper research, found in some batches of New Zealand's manuka honey.

There is another bee product, that the bees use themselves, which makes a great natural remedy - propolis.

Propolis is a resin type substance, produced mainly from bees collecting tree sap, mixed with some pollen. It has antibiotic properties due to its content of biologically active flavonoids.

So like many natural products, not all propolis is the same. What the bees feed on in each area can affect the potency of the propolis the produce.

According to Wikipedia (as at 17/12/07) "Natural medicine practitioners often utilize propolis for the relief of various conditions, including inflammations, viral diseases, ulcers, superficial burns or scalds". Its natural anti-fungal properties are also useful for fighting fungal infections, including athletes foot.

It is an old beekeepers trick to use a piece of propolis in the mouth as a remedy for a sore throat. This is now one of the common uses propolis products are aimed at, the winter ills such as sore throats, coughs and colds. You can of course now get a rather more pleasant tasting honey and propolis lozenge to help with your sore throat.

Some people who are sensitive to bee products do need to take care, as it may cause allergic reactions in them.

Like many natural remedies, much of the evidence supporting it is still anecdotal. But with a growing number of research studies underway around the world, scientists are gaining a better understanding of propolis.

One of the difficulties in getting good scientific evidence for a natural remedy such as porpolis is again the fact they naturally vary in composition and potency. Not being produced to a set standard in a laboratory creates obstacles to getting consistent results.

To make a step towards alleviating this, and having a standard for measuring potency, New Zealand's leading health bee products company Comvita has come up with a test and standard for their New Zealand propolis tinctures and extracts. Comvita's 'PFL' standard is a measure of Propolis Flavonoid Levels. They use an independent laboratory to certify each batch of propolis. This gives you information on the potency of their propolis products.

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